Dentists are currently using oxygen/ozone in their dental practices and find the multi uses of this product to be increasing a positive outcome in all aspects of dental treatments. Introduced in Switzerland in the 1940’s, the placement of ozone on an affected area will kill infection in 40 seconds. Ozone (O3) Dental Technology is possibly the best oxygen available for dental patients. Ozone (O3) is a gas, ozonated (oxygenated) oil, or ozonated water that quickly kills bacteria, viruses and fungi that reside within the mouth.
Various dentists are involved in research, exploring the uses of ozone in everyday dentistry and how to utilize ozone in their dental practice with extraordinary results as an alternative dental option in treating bacteria, viruses and fungi. In some circumstances the application of ozone helped in the tooth’s remineralization and saved the tooth from normal decay removal then followed by a traditional restoration.
Until recently, dental treatments have centered around injections to the gums, followed by drilling and filling as a restorative treatment. Today, patients can receive a whole different experience at the dentist. With the use of oxygen/ozone dentists can reduce the injections and drilling – now replace uncomfortable appointments are replaced by an easy, quick, painless treatment – all done using ozone.
For the last 10 years Ozone has been used in Europe to successfully control dental infections. Research over the last 10 years shows that by using Ozone less tissue has to be removed and the process of drilling can sometimes be avoided completely. Painful injections of anesthesia are gone when applicable decay is treated with Ozone.
How does the Ozone work?
The answer is bio-restructuring. Using ozone on decay or infections influences the biochemistry of the area that’s infected with acidic to basic. Accompanied with the complete resolution of the infective organisms and their acidic by-products, Ozone leads to stop and reverse by mineral uptake into the decayed area.
4 things that occur within oral tissues during Bio Restructuring:
1. Desensitized – Reduction of sensitivity of a tooth to cold and hot.
2. Remineralization – The tooth structures can heal
3. Re-epithelization – The gums around teeth are able to heal
4. Sterilized – Killing the bacteria/viruses within the oral tissues
Ozone acts to kill all bacteria in the cells when used to treat gum disease. Often when paired with the dental laser, the gum disease will be controlled completely.
When used for desensitization Ozone acts as a killer of bacteria, which is often the cause of the sensitivity. Remineralization products must be used as a follow up ensuring complete reduction.
Ozone won’t make a tooth grow back, but it will reduce the tooth’s ability to decay and prevent the loss of more tooth material. If decay is near the nerves within teeth and pain is present, ozone can salvage the nerves, reducing the need for a root canal.
Some dentists have brought this new technology into his practice in order to bring you the most modern dental treatment available with true organic treatment opportunities.